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Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Review of the last 13 hours of Betty's life: NOT FOR THOSE WITH A WEAK STOMACH

12:45 am Fall asleep on couch holding Macy who FINALLY falls asleep too
2:00 am Put Macy in her bassinet, get Maile who is crying, schooch Ellie (who is now in our bed)over towards Sam and slip into bed holding Maile.
4:00 am Maile still fussing, her breathing sounds labored.
4:30 am Give Maile an ashthma treatment. She does not like it and screams the whole 10-15 minutes. She is now wide awake. We lay on couch and watch cartoons. I try and doze.
5:30 am Try and calm Maile down. She is crying and fussing for no apparent reason.
5:32 am Clean Maile's PUKE off of her, the couch, the blanket and me.
6:00 am Change nightshirt, Lay back on stinky couch to try and sleep.
6:45 am Noah wakes up and is thirsty.
6:46 am Get Noah a drink. Listen to him play Geotrax in the livingroom yelling "Rock it down the Rails!!!"
7:30 am Wake up Ellie for school.
7:40 am Wake up Ellie for school again.
7:45 am Hear Macy wake up, get bottle.
7:55 am Feed Macy while browsing internet.
8:15 am Get Ellie's homework and snack together.
8:25 am Get Ellie off to school
8:30 am Change Macy's poopy diaper. Maile finally falls asleep on couch.
8:35 am Eat 3 cookies for breakfast.
8:45 am Lily wakes up. She is thirsty.
9:00 am Go get back in bed.
9:15 am Sam wakes up and asks why I'm so tired. He gets up and takes over.
9:30 am Fall asleep
10:30 am Wake up with Sam asking me if Lily can wear "that" to school. Get up and change Lily's clothes.
10:45 am Maile now awake and crying on couch. Make her a waffle. Get Macy who is now crying.
11:15 am Get back in bed. Noah comes in with a poopy diaper.
11:20 am Change Noah's Diaper, put him in underwear.
11:30 am Hang out with Noah while he sits on potty. Read 2 potty books. He farts.
12:00 pm SHOWER, hang out with Noah again. Fart.
12:15 pm Look for Sam's car keys while feeding Macy.
12:30 pm Change Macy's poopy diaper, ask Noah if he has to go potty. No.
12:45 pm Say bye to Sam.
12:46 pm Maile comes out of my room naked and smelly. Go to my room to find empty diaper on floor, blanket on floor, half of bedspread on floor, poop on floor, pee on floor, poop on blanket, poop on bed spread, poop in the shape of small footprint on her jammies.
12:50 pm Clean up Maile and poop mess.
1:04 pm Come out to livingroom to find Noah in the middle of his pee, on train set.
1:10 pm Clean up Noah and pee.
1:20ish Sit down at computer to type this crazy day up and put my foot in a paper plate of smooshed waffles and syrup. Macy is crying balisticly. I stand up, she stops. I sit, she cries.
1:30 pm Change Macy's poopy diaper. Change my shirt with more PUKE on it.
1:50 pm I finish this entry for my blog one handed, because I am holding a sleeping baby.
The girls will be home in 10 minutes.
Have a nice day.




Josh Haley said...

THAT WAS AWESOME!!! Very well written, I almost feel like I was there!
So who farted at 12:00? heh heh

Kelly said...

This makes me LOVE going to work each morning :)

the mrazek family said...

I almost can't type this because I'm laughing so hard. Maybe I'll stop at one kid.

Trish said...

Holy COW! That was a sick day, man. I mean, aren't you glad you blogged it? It might slip your memory in a few years or something. You have to read this to your kids when they're older. OK, I'm tired... going to go to bed and be glad that there are six years between Seth and Zoe.